Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Presentation Skills

Powerpoint are very populary used by all types of people because of its ability to present information in a more detailed way. Powerpoint has the ability to take all kinds of information and organize it so that it looks interesting and understanding to learn. Powerpoint makes learning new information more interesting with the pictures, sound, colors, designs that you can use. But you have to carefully use them to get the best advantage, because if you add too much it can be really distracting and make take away from the presentation. You also have to be aware of your auidence when it comes to making an a presentation. Your presentation has to be appropriate for your viewers. For example, if your audience consists of 5 year olds you can add an appropriate amount of animations and sounds to grab a hold of their attention. But if your audience consists of Business Men, you can't do too much of that because you have to make it simple and not to flashy or noisy. You have to base your presentation based on your audience.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Formulas and Functions

Formulas were created and used to make math more easier. There are many different formulas for many different situations that you can think of. But finding which formula to use and actually solving the problem takes time, but you can use Excel and it will help make your life more easier. Formulas are used for calculating numbers, both big and small. Excel already has built in formulas in the program, all you have to do is plug in the numbers and everything is taken care of. If formulas were not created, finding out the square root of a number that is not perfect will take a lot of time and patience.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Budgets are an efficent way to know exactly how much money you spend and where most of your money is being spent. its important to know budget your money because you will get an idea on what and how much to spend your money on a specific need or want. Many people who don't budget could end up wasting a lot of money that they could have been using to pay late bills and home payments. Also,people put their wants first before their needs before their money. Its supposed to be the other way around. When you pay all of your fees, bills and payments you can use whatever money is left to buy what your heart desires. You will be saving yourself from alot of trouble that way.

My Budget Project

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Charts, Graphs, and Diagrams

Spreadsheets and Graphs are used for analyzing and comparing data. They help make data mor understandable and more interesting to look at. Different types of graphs are used because there are many different type of  data. It all depends on what the data is and what it is talking about. You can use any of these type of charts if they go hand in hand with your present data. Charts, graphs and diagrams are also used to analyze and compare data visually. It is easier to read charts than try to read text data. An example of how i would use charts outside of school is a Survey of your favorite foods. I would go off and survey 100 studenst from each grade in HHS. After i get my results, i would take my data and put it in a Pie Graph.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Excel Enhancement

There are many different ways you can Excel to make creative and unique documents. You can customize how the document looks by adding a background picture, adding colors wherever you think is appropriate, you can change the font also. You can adjust whichever way you would like it to be. Each customizing tool serves a purpose. You can color code cells and make them easier to identify and pin point specific details in the workbook, by using Cell Style. If you work for a business, you can put your company logo as the background. There are many different ways that you can manipulate Microsoft Excel to get it to work for you the way you want it too. You don't have to stick to the same old boring routine.